The Tuesday Twelve: 12 Reasons I Love Being an MK

Wellll. I certainly have meant to post more often than this.
But as you all know, sometimes life gets in the way. There are things to do, people to see, and-- ahem-- it's nice if you clean the house once in a while.

BUT! Finally I post today! And bring you...

12 Reasons I Love Being an MK! (for those of you who may not know, MK stands for "Missionary Kid". You're welcome.)
Having grown up in Ecuador, I learned and experienced so many wonderful things. Here are some of the benefits I found to being an MK:

1. I have tried foods I never could have imagined.
And you know what? I actually liked it!
Guinea pig. And tripe. And chicken foot soup. Sooo many kinds of tropical fruits that don't even have a name in English. And I know what REAL coffee tastes like!

Cuy-- Guinea Pig!

Cacao fruit. They make chocolate with the seeds, but the fruit tastes creamy, like yogurt.
2. It made me more adventurous.
This sort of goes with Reason 1, but not just with food-- I have gone on ziplines that I was certain would kill me. I have been in both hemispheres at once. I have come within inches of my life while riding in the back of taxis (no driver can ever scare me now!). I have climbed the mountain that is the closest point on earth to the sun (Mt. Chimborazo-- we climbed higher than 20,000 feet!).

Me and my Daddy at Mt. Chimborazo. Then we climbed this thing-- more than once!

My family (minus one-- she wasn't born yet) at Mitad del Mundo ("The Center of the World").
3. I have learned to be extremely flexible with my schedule.
Because I grew up in the Latin American culture, I learned that everyone defines "time" a little differently. To some people. it's rude to be late by 4 seconds, and for others, it is completely acceptable to have someone wait for you for 4 hours!

4. It taught me that people are more important than projects.
Sure, we all have things we need to get done, but the most important thing is to spend time with the people around you, to develop and maintain relationships. Time is short, and in the long run you (and others) will appreciate the time you invested in relationships.

Me and my little seester Elise. :) 
5. I know people -- LOTS of people-- from all over.
I have met so many people, and know people of various nationalities, who speak many different languages. And I love it! I could travel all over the U.S. and to quite a few countries just staying with people I or my family knows.

6. My cultural experiences have broadened my view of the world.
I don't see things only one way; my perspective of life has different facets to it. Not only do I see things from the "American" perspective, but I also see things from the "Latin American" perspective. I feel like I can better identify with and understand where other people are coming from, because I don't necessarily only have one way of looking at something.

7. I learned to appreciate the little things.
Like peanut butter, chocolate chips, pretzels, KoolAid, the postal system, drinking fountains. There are so many little things you don't even think about until you suddenly live without them. Sometimes you forget about them entirely until you see one again (for instance, the first time I saw a drinking fountain for the first time after returning to the U.S. I thought, "Oh, yeah, drinking fountains! They make those, huh?"). Or going into Walmart and having two ENTIRE aisles just for breakfast cereal! How are you supposed to know which kind to buy?
It can be overwhelming to get excited about all the little seemingly unimportant things, but it can also be refreshing, and it can make life a lot more fun and interesting!

8. It caused me to be more interested in current events around the world.
Not when I was younger, of course, but having lived in another country, I now

9. I have a much deeper understanding of God.
I have had a chance to see how people of different cultures worship and how they relate to God, and it caused me to realize that although God wants us to worship Him "in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24), but practically, that can look different in different cultures. You can worship God with different instruments and types of music. People can truly worship whether there is a pastor at a pulpit or a newborn Christian sharing his testimony at a home Bible study.

10. I speak two languages, which can open up many doors and opportunities.
Because I speak Spanish as well as English, I have been able to converse with other people who I might not have had the chance to talk with otherwise. People really appreciate not only that I can speak their language, but also that I take the time to talk with them in their own language.

12. I have had the privilege to see God working in people's lives.
From a young age, I have witnessed the power of prayer. I have seen God in His amazing grace save and transform the lives of the lost. I have seen people living in darkness become slowly transformed as they walk in His marvelous light. This is a gift I will always, forever be grateful for.

Are you an MK or do you know one? What are some experiences you/ they have had? How did it impact your/their life? I'd love to hear about it in the comments!

Ashley Lluay, Lightchaser


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